Stand out
from the crowd
The EdWard is EVR's evidence award, it is formal recognition that a company has been an active participant on our EDUCATE Programmes and that their knowledge and/or use of applied research has positively impacted the development of their product.
Keeping evidence at the heart of EdTech is a vital part of our mission, and provides a signal to schools, universities, and other education institutions that they can be confident
products and services from EdWarded companies have a solid foundation in research, and effectively transform teaching and learning.
EdWard Levels

EdWard Level 1 Evidence Aware
The Evidence Aware EdWard is presented to companies that have successfully completed the EDUCATE Programme and demonstrated a clear understanding of how to apply research methods within the company’s context.

EdWard Level 2
Evidence Applied
Companies receiving the Evidence Applied EdWard have successfully completed the EDUCATE Programme and applied their understanding of research methods to improve their product's development or quality of delivery.
Level 1 -
Evidence Aware
Our company has completed the EDUCATE Programme
Our company has developed a logic model or theory of change for our product or service
Our company has developed a research proposal with an explicit research question/questions that demonstrate our understanding of relevant research concepts
Our company feels ‘research ready’ and understands the ethical considerations at the heart of the conducting of educational research
Evidence Required:
Logic model/theory of change submitted
Research proposal completed and submitted with all standard components addressed
Level 2 -
Evidence Applied
Our company satisfies the criteria for Evidence Aware
Our company has contributed further to the EDUCATE Programme and its community, for example by helping other cohort members or making suggestions on how to improve the EDUCATE participant journey
Our company has developed a particularly robust research proposal and is making progress on conducting this research and communicating its outcomes
Our company has achieved a particular insight, change or breakthrough in its approach as a result of participation on the programme
Evidence Required:
Evidence of the above submitted
Applying for your EdWard
A graduate of the EDUCATE Programmes can follow the instructions and apply for their EdWard in the EDUCATE Alumni Community as soon as they are ready. We review them on a rolling monthly basis.
How to prepare
You will need copies of your Logic Model and Research Proposal in editable formats, and if supplying evidence for the Evidence Applied EdWard, please name the accompanying documents clearly to explain what they are
You must complete the training and follow the instructions within the EDUCATE Alumni Community
On the 15th of each month the Research Team will review the applications that have been submitted within the previous month and inform applications if they have been successful on the 15th of the following month
During this wait time, Research mentors will independently assess and then collectively review the applications to ensure parity
Successful application
If successful, your company will be notified by e-mail and the relevant EdWard image in the most common image formats will be supplied by Zip file for you to use
You will be issued with the EdWard brand guidelines, which you must follow. These provide the best practice of the display of the EdWard image
Unsuccessful application
If your EdWard application is unsuccessful you will receive feedback and you can make adjustments before resubmitting
Your application will be reviewed a maximum of two times per quarter